20 ways to play
Supporting tamariki to develop understanding of the effects actions have on health and wellbeing. An awesome way to lead into the school holidays...
Firstly, the science...
Tākaro is super important for our tamariki because it helps them process and manage their feelings. When tamariki are playing, their brains release chemicals that support them to feel happy and less stressed. Playing also supports social skills, problem solving and learning more about the amazing tamaiti they are.
Why this activity?
This activity is brilliant as it creates an awesome opportunity to engage tamariki in exploring creative play activities that they can enjoy at home, while also taking the opportunity to share the importance of play with whānau.
You'll need
Your playful tamariki, copies of the 20 Ways to tākaro these school holiday posters for each of your tamariki, coloured pencils, crayons, or some felts.
What to do
Gather your tamariki and lead a kōrero around the excitement of the upcoming school holidays and the fun opportunities they have for play at home, and any other places they’ll be over the holidays. Support them to brainstorm and share creative play ideas that they love doing or could try at home these holidays. You might like to offer the 20 Ways to tākaro these school holidays poster to support this kōrero.
Give tamariki time to be able to play, choosing one of the activities to try out while still at school with their friends. This could be a perfect way to round off a busy day.
Encourage them to share these play activities with whānau.
Round off with a kōrero around the effect these play ideas can have on our hauora, and whether some of these activities have supported them to feel happy or calm. Ask how this in turn may support our whānau hauora too.
Kaiako card
To make things easy, print this kaiako card and do your planning later.
Whānau engagement
Send home either a paper copy or through your schools' online platform the Why is Play Important handout to support whanau to understand the role that play has in the development of their tamariki.
To provide some additional support for tamariki and their wellbeing over the holidays consider sending home or sharing some of our worksheets and activities. Our favourites are
And to add to this...
Another activity that would be perfect for expanding the learning around how our play and actions can impact our wellbeing is Hauora Explorers.
Curriculum links
Personal Health and physical development: A1 - Personal growth and development