Whanaungatanga and friendship
The whenua we share
This activity connects, and encourages exploration of the shared spaces around us.
Whakarongo mai
From listening comes understanding. And that's what this activity is all about.
Anzac Day and Ki-O-Rahi
Ki-o-rahi was played by the 28th Māori Battalion during the Italian campaign, where it's called Palla Māori.
Compliment musical freeze
Combining kanikani and kindness! Explore compliments, then tamariki kanikani, freeze and give a great compliment e noho to their nearest peer.
Compliment launchpad
This activity is all about looking for kind and good things, counteracting our negativity bias. Ending with tamariki making a paper aeroplane filled with the good.
Have a game of Lape!
This is a fun game taught to us by our Samoan buddies. It's thankfully got simple rules - softball with any ball (volleyballs are ka pai) and your hand, as a bat.
Manu of a feather
Think 'flocking' of manu, where tamariki work together to move 'as one' - a mindful, connected, slow-mo kanikani!
Te Whare Tapa Whā a day at a time…
Using the concept of an advent calendar, your tamariki open a window of Te Whare Tapa Whā boosting activities each day to support their hauora!
Big and positive emotions with Te Whare Tapa Whā
A whole wiki of activities based around noticing the beauty around us, sprinkled with a good dose of gratitude
Compliment circle
Exploring the power of a meaningful compliment and bringing tamariki together. An awesome way to start the day, or a nice end to the day (or both)
Strengths spotting
A beautiful opportunity for tamariki to consider the strengths of those around them, starting with famous people but also spotting the strengths of their classmates
My point of view
Supporting tamariki to develop empathy and begin to understand that how they feel in a scenario can be entirely different to someone else
Space bubbles
An activity to support tamariki in developing social skills and beginning to understand personal space. Made in collaboration with a speech therapist
Kindness missions
An activity all about acts of kindness with those around us, supporting tamariki to think about how their actions can affect others with a little mission each day