Resources and organisations who can help
These are the books that have really support our understanding of a whole school approach to wellbeing. And at the end here are the people and organisations working in this space.
Our fave resources & organisations working in this space
Books & Resources
Promoting Mental, Emotional and Social Health: A Whole School Approach
Katherine Weare
This book provides a clear and practical overview of ways in which mainstream schools can promote the health of those who work and learn in them.
Children’s Mental Health and Emotional Well-being in Primary Schools: A Whole School Approach
Colin Howard, Maddie Burton, Denise Levermore & Rachel Burrell
We love this book because it uses children's mental health as a focus on why wellbeing education is important.
Positive Mental Health: A Whole School Approach
Jonathan Glazzard & Rachel Bostwick
This book was created to support teachers and other educators in adopting a whole school approach to specifically mental health. It wants to bring attention to the need to destigmatise the term mental health as there is a distinct difference between mental health and mental illness.
Building resilience in students - a whole staff approach
Victoria Romero et al
We found this book to be useful in supporting teachers and maintaining the socio-emotional needs of the school staff.
Educators guide to whole school wellbeing
Denise Quinlan and Lucy Hone
We love this book because of the knowledge and realities inside that act as a great support system for educators at any point on their journey that are adapting to a whole school approach. Through this book we believe that Lucy and Denise have provided schools with non-confrontational advice better than anyone else has, on frameworks and wellbeing models as well as the tools and processes needed to guide the decision making required for implementation.
Mental health and wellbeing through schools: the way forward
Rosalyn Shute and Phillip Slee
This resource begins by acknowledging the challenges that educators are currently facing in their wellbeing endevour, and throughout the chapters they promote solutions to these challenges hoping to make them relatable for teachers in classrooms today.
Te Kura Tapa Whā - embedding an indigenous model of wellbeing into the learning environment
Hayley Tewai Welch, Angus H McFarlane, et al.
We really rate the Te Kura Tapa Wha: Embedding an indigenous model of wellbeing into the learning environment resource that is an educational prompt created by several authors with expertise in Maori health promotion and knowledge around Te Whare Tapa Wha. After reading through the resource, we believe that it provides educators and teachers with a great knowledge basis on the holistic Te Whare Tapa Wha model, and acts as a straightforward foundation to wellbeing education for those who may have limited resources.
Organisations & people working in this space
It's just about finding a good 'fit' for your school or kura. Many schools also use more than one organisation and mix together what they know will work for their context and school.
And if you'd like your own resources or organisation acknowledged here too, please get in touch -